Trojan Rising Star Awards: Platteview Recognizes Outstanding Staff and Students

Kaitlyn Klimek

Students voted for Rising Star Awards during assembly on Thursday, November 8th, 2018.

Katelyn Grubb, Senior Editor

On November 8th, 2018, Platteview High School hosted their first ever “Trojan Rising Star Awards.” During the awards, students from every grade participated in a live-vote for the nominated groups, staff, and students from Platteview. Trojan administrators and student-body were recognized for their various achievements including: “Best Community Outreach/Leadership,” “Remarkable Individual Growth,” and the “#BeKind Award.” 

Alyssa Riha
Mr. Kingston announced candidates and winners of Rising Star Awards 2018.

Congratulations to the following winners for their involvement and representation of Platteview High School:

Best Community Outreach/Leadership: The Platteview Construction Tech Crew, Mr. Bos, and Mr. Foutch

Remarkable Individual Growth Award: Lucas Sjulin and Kaitlin Harder

Staff Achievement Award: Dr. Kersulov

Most Outstanding Achievement for a Fall Activity/Sport: Cross Country State Qualifiers

Student #BeKind Award: Cole Demro, Abagail Husing, Rachel ManDonald, and Alyssa Riha

Staff #BeKind Award: Robin Hill

ACT Significant Growth Recognition: Kourtney Canigllia, Josh Kalin, Grace O’Laughlin, Caroline Worden, Elizabeth Iverson, Jacob Muff, Wyatt Webster, Anna Ganzel, Carter Lanning, Sarah Richards, Evan Kingston, Jordan Mathewson, Stephen George, and Alex Verdoni

Go Trojans!