Finding Meaning to The Music
The choir performed a Spanish song “Ritmo” during their first concert. “Ritmo” featured a lot of clapping, so the choir focused to be sure they didn’t miss a beat.
December 3, 2018
The Nebraska Choral Clinic is a choir tradition in which several schools concert choirs join together to learn ways to improve as a choir. The 2018-2019 NCC was held on Monday, October 5 at Syracuse. During NCC, three songs are sung by all of the schools in a mass choir of about 400 students, as well as one song from each individual choir. Each choir also received individual time with the clinician, as well as several hours working together with the mass choir.
This year, Platteview’s individual song was a Latin song, “Festival Sanctus” composed by John Levitt. “I feel like it’s the best song we’ve sung at choir so far,” said freshman Lily Robinson. The other songs performed included: “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, “Sing Me to Heaven”, and “Ritmo”. “My favorite song we’ve sung this year is definitely Ritmo,” said senior Caitlyn Bothel. “It’s very different from anything we’ve ever done and even though it’s more difficult than the others, it’s good to challenge yourself.” This year, one of the skills the choir focused on was finding a meaning behind the songs to make the music more powerful.
Sophomore Khyenne Cottrell described why “Bridge Over Troubled Water” was an important song to her. “I felt the meaning, at least to me was that ‘no matter what, I’ll be here for you’. Being that ‘bridge over troubled water’ is like being a ladder for a person who is stuck at rock bottom.” Khyenne explained. “It’s truly relieving to have someone there, or to see the person you’ve helped happy, and to have a song about that is truly moving. Music heals us and our emotions, and this song is over all truly healing, especially with its deep and personal meanings.”
Sophomore Emma Mathias described what ‘Sing Me To Heaven’ meant to her: “It’s about a person’s dying wish. They are wishing to be sung to one last time.” She said. “It’s powerful, emotional and really shows how much music can effect a person’s life.” The final concert started off with Platteview’s individual song “Festival Sanctus”, followed by other schools and finally the mass choir.
The final song for the night was “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, which featured two soloists, both of which were Platteview Students: freshman Ashton Lagasse and sophomore Mia Loffer. “I think ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ was our best song,” Freshman Jayden Ostransky explained. “We unified really well.” Overall, NCC focused on finding meaning behind the music and working together to unify through the power of song.