Platteview’s Resolutions
Senior Katie Harder agrees that eating healthy is a good resolution and is willing to give it a try with help from Senior Megan Baier.
January 17, 2019
It’s a new year which means lots of students have made resolutions they would like to accomplish in 2019. This is a tradition that has been around for a long time. The earliest resolutions were created by ancient Babylonians in 2,000 BC. Some of the students in our school have some of their own new years resolutions, which are attached below:
“My New Year’s resolution is to be more positive.” – Senior Brandon Mears
“Mine is not to overwork myself.” – Junior Khyenne Cottrell
“My New Year’s resolution is to read a book outside of class every month of 2019…I thought that in the new year I should set time aside to get back to what I love: reading.” – Senior Alyssa Riha
“My New Year’s resolution is to be more organized. I went out and bought a planner from Target and I’ve been planning everything from homework to the outfit I plan to wear. It helps me with my anxiety, and it’s a great time filler.” – Senior Katie Harder
“My new year’s resolution is to put more effort into what I do.” – Senior Megan Baier
“Mine is not to use plastic straws and be better with money.” – Senior Caitlyn Bothel
“Mine is self care – mainly mental.” – Sophomore Justice Irvin
No two resolutions are the same, but one thing that is similar with all resolutions is if you don’t take action, then the resolution will simply be an empty promise. Denzel Washington once said “Dreams without goals remain dreams and fuel disappointment.” So if you have a New Year’s resolution this year, try your best to make goals to accomplish your resolutions and not let it be a group of words that left your mouth, yet have no real meaning. If you don’t have a resolution yet, here are some suggestions to give a try:
1. Exercise More
2. Lose Weight
3. Get Organized
4. Learn a New Skill or Hobby
5. Live Life to the Fullest
6. Save More Money / Spend Less Money
7. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
8. Travel More
9. Read More