FBLA is a club at Platteview that helps students gain business skills and learn how to use them after graduation. Senior Garrett Johnson is planning to use his skills throughout college and in his career. In an interview, Garret spoke of his insight into participating in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).
Garrett Johnson stands with junior Colin Henderickson at National Leadership Conference in San Antonio, Texas. He is so involved and successful with FBLA and business that he won an award at FBLA State Leadership Conference to go to Nationals last summer. Johnson said, “I will use the things I have learned in FBLA in college and for jobs in the future. I will use all the things I have done in FBLA (State, Nationals, and fundraisers) as a resume builder for jobs.”Garrett Johnson uses his marketing, financing, and advertising skills to operate the Trojan Zone.Garrett Johnson enjoys being with his friends at a school event. He has made new friends and networked through FBLA: “I have made A TON of friends in FBLA,” Garrett said. “By going to many different leadership and business competitions, I have met so many great people from all across not only Nebraska, but also the nation.” Networking can create lasting relationships throughout life and help grow ideas.Garrett Johnson stands with his parents after he won the 2019 Homecoming King at the football game on Friday, September 13th. Father like son, Garrett Johnson’s dad has always worked with business, which influenced Garrett to gravitate towards business as well. Garrett joined FBLA to obtain experiences in business and to gain skills for use in his future.Garrett Johnson fills out a Butter Braid form to fundraise for FBLA. Fundraisers help finance trips and competitions FBLA sponsors, such as National Leadership Conference, Fall Leadership Conference, and State Leadership Conference.Garrett Johnson gives Mrs. Nowka a t-shirt she had ordered on the Trojan Zone website. Johnson is using his customer service skills that he has gained from FBLA and other business classes at school. The Trojan Zone was founded by FBLA.
FBLA teaches students, including Garrett Johnson, to develop customer service, networking, and other business skills in order to succeed in competitions and in future careers. FBLA has helped Garrett connect with people all over the nation, giving him more opportunities to advance his upcoming career. Because FBLA founded the Trojan Zone, Garrett has been able to gain on-the-job experiences so he will be further ahead when entering college.