Counseling Center: New Webpage for Important Information

October 30, 2020
Platteview High School has recently introduced a new program, the Counseling Center, to provide students with helpful information and resources. The Counseling Center is on the school’s website at The Center is headed by Mrs. Christiansen, while Mr. Lundeen aids with College Prep-oriented topics.
As a counselor, Mrs. Christensen is excited for this new student resource. “I have a passion for helping students,” Mrs. Christensen said, “especially when it comes to future goals and post-secondary aspirations.”
The resources provided on the page include college updates, hyperlinks to important websites, and hotlines for bullying prevention and general counseling. Besides this, Mrs. Christensen added, “I am also here to talk to at any time. No matter how small the problem, sometimes it is nice to have an ear to listen.” Sometimes, all it takes is an inspiring conversation with the counselor to get moving in the right direction.
Thanks to the Counseling Center, students also have access to needed information when not at school. Students E-learnering and those attending face-to-face can find easily accessible information all from the school website.
Students can contact Mrs. Christensen at her office or via email to find out more.