Dylan Conover, Senior Editor
May 12, 2021
As Seniors prepare to graduate and enter the next stage of their life, now is a great time to learn more about the fantastic individuals at Platteview High School. The students below participate in a wide spread of activities and athletics and work hard at school. They are great people who will succeed in their lives ahead. The seniors were asked five questions:
1. What are some of your proudest experiences?
2. What are some of your favorite moments with friends at school?
3. What was the best part of high school?
4. Who is one person- whether teacher, parent, friend, or other- who helped you along your high school journey?
5. How was high school a journey for you?
Their answers are included below.
Jordan Carman:
The best part of high school was cheerleading and getting to meet new people while doing, and I also enjoyed creating new bonds with the girls on the team.
I would like to thank my mom and friends for being there to help me throughout high school. They listened to all my problems and always told me what to do or the best way to handle a situation.
High school was a journey for me because of all the activities I had participated in over the years. I was on the dance team for 2 years and then did cheer for 2 years, was on the soccer team freshman year, and also was in band/color guard all 4 years. Getting to everything was a struggle, but everything worked out in the end.
Blair Beecham:
One of my proudest experiences was my senior volleyball season. I was coming off of a huge injury that forced me to sit out my entire junior season. I had to completely regain mobility and strength in my dominant shoulder. I would say this is one of my proudest experiences because I was able to make a comeback after my injury and play to a level I had once been at for my last year playing volleyball, even though there were many times where I had doubts.
My favorite moments with friends at school are any school sporting event. I enjoyed being able to support my friends playing sports while also spending time with my friends in the stands. COVID this year made it difficult to come and support in person at times, but it was always fun when students were allowed.

The best part of high school for me is the extracurriculars outside of school itself. Extracurriculars are what makes high school somewhat enjoyable. Whether it be sports or clubs, being involved allowed me to create friendships and just have something to do at school that wasn’t school itself.
It’s really hard for me to name just one person. There are countless people that have pushed me to be better throughout my entire high school journey, whether it be friends, teachers, or coaches. If I have to name one person, it would be my mom. She’s helped me through hard times throughout high school and also celebrated the good times with me. She came to almost all of my volleyball games even if they were 2 hours away. She always pushes me to be my very best in school and sports.
High school is definitely a journey to say the least. It was a journey for me in many ways. There were good days and bad days, good weeks and bad weeks, and even good years and bad years. They always say it goes by fast, and they’re right. I have no idea where the time has gone. Also, when they say junior year is the hardest year, they mean it. You will get through it, but it requires some more effort.
Makenna Frank:
I am very proud of being apart of the musical production my last few years of high school.
My favorite moments with friends was being apart of the Platteview cheer team with my friends.
Best part of high school is the football games or the boys basketball games
Ms. Falch has always been there for me to talk to her about anything and she is one of the most understanding people I’ve ever met.
My high school journey started out a bit rough until I’ve met my amazing friends!
Mia Loffer:
One of my proudest moments in high school would be when I carried my sophomore dodgeball team to victory
against the very athletic juniors.
Catching up with my friends in the hallways during passing periods and being able to participate in choir and soccer alongside my sister for three years have been some of my favorite moments.
My mom is my biggest supporter and has helped me through so much the past four years. Whether it be to motivate to do my homework or teach me lessons about life, I cannot thank her enough for always being there for me.
High school has taught me so much and has prepared me for the next four years of college. Through the friendships and teachers, I will never forget my high school experience.
Jaedyn Parks:
My proudest experiences of high school were when we scored the last point to win our district final game to get us into the state volleyball tournament my junior year and playing in the state tournament.
My favorite moments at school with friends were lunch and just getting to see them every day.
The best part of high school was the memories I made with my friends that will stay with me forever.
My mom helped me the most during my high school journey, from late nights after volleyball games to running things to the school if I was in a rush and forgot them. She helped me more times then I could ever be able to count during my 4 years of high school.
High school was a journey for me as I grew up so much from the first day of freshman year till now. I learned so many life lessons along the way and met so many new people and made the best memories.
Logan Nelson:

Some of my proudest experiences include: maintaining good grades, being inducted into National Honor Society, becoming a Spanish Club officer, and playing volleyball all four years.
Some of my favorite memories with friends at school have been school dances, pep rallies, homecoming week, and football games. I also made so many fun memories playing volleyball with my best friends!
The best part of high school was just the whole experience. I am going to miss football games, and just walking down the school hallways with my friends.
One person who has helped throughout high school is my dad. My dad pushes me to work hard and be the best version of myself. He also is very supporting of me and of everything I do. My dad has impacted my life so much and taught me so many valuable life lessons.
High school was a journey for me in many ways. It did go by very fast, but it definitely was a fun four years. It took a lot of hard work and dedication to sports and academics, but the hard work as payed off as we are about to graduate and start the next journey of our lives.
Brianna Miller:
I am extremely proud of my wrestling season this year. I dramatically improved from last year, and took 4th at state. I really can’t imagine my year feeling complete without earning that position. I also had an amazing time sophomore year when I performed at marching band regionals in St. Louis. The stadium was huge, the audience was loud, and we were broadcasted on live TV. It was cool to see so many people passionate about music all in one place.
One of the funniest things to me is the whole fight over the couch in the theater changing rooms. There was this old couch- now thrown away- that the boys and girls would “steal” from each other’s dressing rooms. For our One Act after party last year, we played this game where we had to put one person- who has water in their mouth- on the spot, and make them laugh. The goal was to make the person laugh so hard that they’d spit out water. Naturally, this led to an entire wedding scene using a quarter of the prop room. Another one of my favorite high school memories was singing along to music on the band bus, on the way to competitions. We’d all scream along to songs like Hooked On a Feeling, and it made me feel very free.
The best part of high school was being able to change. High school age is where you start to explore who you are and the possibilities of the future. I’ve really come a long way since freshman year, too.
Maverick is the best friend I could ever have. He’s always been there for me, and really helped make my high school journey enjoyable and fun.
The journey of high school held a lot of change for me. It’s a journey to navigate through halls, schoolwork, and extracurriculars- but most importantly, it’s the beginning of an inward journey.