Trojan Voice: New Superintendent Prepares for a Super Year

Smiling for the audience: Superintendent Dr. Ryan Saunders talks with Mr.Jennings about his career.

Clara Guenther, Writer

Dr. Ryan Saunders is the new superintendent of Springfield Platteview Community Schools, starting during the summer of 2021.  The Charioteer interviewed Dr. Saunders to get his thoughts on the school district and the Platteview community.

1. What do you think of working in the school district so far?

I am learning more and more each week about what a great school district and community I have joined. It is clear that there is so much pride that our students and staff have in being a Trojan, Tiger, or Wildcat. People have been very kind in welcoming me and I look forward to meeting more of the people who make our schools great.

2. What is your most important part of your job and why? 

The most important part of my job is to help develop the goals for our district and to align our resources to help achieve those goals. I want to help our staff and community dream big about what could be for our district and then collaborate with others to remove the hurdles that might exist in reaching our goals and dreams.

3.What are your thoughts on the community of Platteview?

Since I have arrived, I have heard over and over comments from parents, community members, students, and staff stating that they moved to our community because of the school system. This already means so much to hear and I have enjoyed getting to learn about what people love about our schools. Almost everyday I learn something new about our district and I can tell this is a really special place.

4. What is the biggest change from being a principal to becoming a superintendent?

There are a lot of differences between the two roles. Certainly the impact of the decisions I make is greater being a superintendent versus being a principal. The biggest change that has stuck out to me over these first several weeks is that I am no longer surrounded by students everyday. As a principal I was able to see the same students and families almost everyday and build awesome relationships with them. As the superintendent, I still get to see students working and learning as often as I want, but I’m missing those individual relationships I was able to have as a principal.

5. How did you start your career in education?

I started my career as a Kindergarten teacher. I loved working with our youngest learners and was in awe of how much they could learn in a year. Teaching young students how to read was by far my favorite. I have been fortunate to have students in my classrooms from all over the world when I was teaching an ELL (English Language Learners) Kindergarten in Houston, Texas. I also had the opportunity to teach Kindergarteners who were hearing impaired and they taught me how to use sign language to communicate. I have also spent time as a 4th Grade Teacher and really enjoyed teaching 4th grade science.

6.What does it mean to be a Trojan?

I am so proud to get to be a part of the Trojan Family. I can tell that being a Trojan means pushing to be your best. It means taking risks but also being accountable for your actions and choices. Based on the warm welcome my family and I have received since joining the community, I can tell that being a Trojan is also about being kind and recognizing the gifts and talents others have to offer. I know I still have a lot to learn about all the things that make being a Platteview High Trojan amazing and I can’t wait. Go Trojans!


Click the link below to watch Dr. Saunders talk with Mr. Jennings about his career path.