Platteview Activities End Strong in 2022
Winning Gold: Jacob Thompson and Kaden Slaughter, having a laugh after their Mario Kart match at Wayne State.
May 19, 2022
The 2021-2022 school year has proven to be successful for Platteview High School Activities and clubs. For example, Future Business Leaders of America, Future Problem Solvers (FPS), and E-sports have all placed well in their respective State competitions – and some even in National competitions. The success can be traced back to the senior leadership of many of these clubs, who helped guide and shape their younger colleagues and members.
Recently, FPS placed second at their State competition. “FPS has done extremely well this semester. We got runner up at State because we worked well as a team and used the thinking methods Mr. Mahoney taught us,” said Ella Ferguson.
E-Sports won 3rd place in their State competition, playing the video game Smite. “We worked really hard as a team, especially because it’s a new game,” said Mason Madden, a member of the E-Sports team. “But I am really glad with how we placed and we hope to take first place next year.”

FBLA also had a successful season. Multiple PHS seniors placed in their State competition. Kyloe Bullers was awarded 1st place in Entrepreneurship, and Luke Smith won 5th place in Personal Finance. As a result, many of them will attend and represent Platteview at the FBLA National Competition in Chicago. In order to raise money for the FBLA trip to Nationals, the team hosted a “Pie a Teacher: fundraiser. “The fundraiser was a big success, and we are glad we are able to compete in Chicago,” said Patti Layher, one of the FBLA sponsors.