Dance Team Take 1st and Prepares for Nationals

December 20, 2022
On Saturday, December 17, 2022, the Platteview High School Dance Team competed at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. After a long day of dancing, the girls took home two first prizes: Game Day and Hiphop. The girls worked extremely hard throughout the school year, practicing at incredibly early hours before school. This is only the beginning of a long season of successes.
The Trojans Dance Team is adding more competitions to their season this year to prepare themselves for nationals in Orlando, Florida. They plan to stay in a house together at a Disney resort. They will participate in two days of competition. They are bringing a kick, game day, and hip hop routine to nationals to showcase. If they make finals, they will compete for two more days. When the team isn’t competing, they will go to the Disney World parks, Clearwater Beach, and other exciting places around the Orlando area.
Although the dance team is excited to go to Orlando, they have been hard at work. “Until February, we will be practicing four days a week to perfect these routines to help us bring home some national titles,” said junior Avery Klusmire. They have practice every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before school, from 5:45 until 7:15. These early morning practices are evidence of the commitment and dedication that these girls have. “The practices are very interesting, we laugh all the time but also work super hard,” said junior Grace Wendle. They also practice on Fridays after school.
In preparation for the busy year, the Dance Team began their season this summer at UDA dance camp. They took a routine with them and earned a bid for nationals. This year marks the first time in Platteview High School history that the Dance Team has accomplished this feat. Now that the home football season has come to an end, the dance team has the opportunity to focus on their routines for nationals. Along with these routines, the girls will work on dances for basketball season performances. Their first competition will be on December 17th at UNO. “We hope to see many fellow trojans there to cheer us on!” Said junior Avery Klusmire.