“Fun”ding Dances at Junior High
PC students dancing in the dark.
February 1, 2018
Platteview Central routinely hosts dances for seventh and eighth grade students as a way to
socialize and have a good time.
The dances are organized to raise funds. Eighth grade student, Jackson Pleuger, termed the dances as “fun,” and enjoys the “dark gym, crazy lights.” Jackson also said the dances were a good way to socialize with friends while listening to popular music. The National Junior Honor Society, junior high student council, and junior high staff each host one for a total of three a year. Though the experiences can differ, it is still a great way to spend time.
Platteview Central Principal, Mr. Johnson, said, “only our kids” attend. The dance is adequately staffed by chaperones and the dances are an ongoing tradition. The most recent dance was hosted by the student council, and two of their members said that the council planned, organized, and participated in the event. The dances are also an opportunity for growth for those who plan and organize the activity. The dance usually has a high attendance by the students, and is thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. The dances are usually on a Friday and start several hours after school.
The funds gathered are given right back to the school for the use of students and staff for everyone’s benefit. The dances procure more than $100, but the numbers are mostly north of $300. After all, about 130 kids paying an entrance fee of, say $3, not to mention snacks, allows for plenty of additional supplies and funding for textbooks, iPads, and more. Spending a couple hours away from home socializing with friends, dancing to popular music, snacking on good food and drinks, and familiar faces as chaperones is a fail-safe way to ensure a great time.