Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of our athletic trainer, Robert Dill, looks like? He dedicates a lot of time and effort into the athletic programs. He could be doing anything from treating and guiding a patient to updating his injury reports.
His arrival time is most commonly 11:00am but other times at 6:00am. Depending on the agenda for the day he leaves anywhere from 7:00pm to 1:00am. Robert describes his day-to-day work, “I normally start my day by eating lunch as I have no other open time spots. Then I pull up yesterday’s documentation and review it. After that I have a variety of treatments, rehab, and new evaluations throughout the day. Near the end I tape a lot of athletes prior to their practices.” He also sets up for games as well as practices and fills up water bottles for the athletes.
Next we interviewed Robert on how he evaluates injuries and determines what type of treatment or rehab to assign a student. He replied, “It is based on whether the injury is acute or chronic. If it is chronic more heat than ice is needed. However, if it is acute, more ice than heat is necessary. It depends on the healing stage of their injury that determines what the person does that day.