Veterans Recognize Platteview’s Patriotic Writing

Jody Sullivan

Winners of Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy Essay Contests with members of the VFW in front of Governor’s Mansion.

Dylan Conover, Staff Writer

On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Springfield Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9558 hosted an awards banquet to recognize Platteview students and teachers. Students were honored for their efforts in the Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy competitions and teachers for their dedication in their work.

Among the elementary students, Clara Carlson placed first, and third in the district, with Owen Stehlik and Nathan Menkow following. All three are from Springfield Elementary. Ms. Marty Woodward, from Platteview Central, was chosen as Teacher of the Year by the post and also by District 10. The Voice of Democracy speech/essay competition winner was Louden Ferguson, with Katelyn Grubb coming in second and Elise Lutz placing third. Ferguson also clinched second in the district.

The Patriot’s Pen essay winner was Dylan Conover, with Ella Ferguson coming in second and Chase Weink third. Conover was also the winner for District 10 and placed second in the state in a recognition banquet held February 2, in Lincoln, Nebraska. State winners and families had a guided tour of the capitol building, were entreated to lunch at the Governor’s Mansion, and had the opportunity to meet Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley, who gave a speech about the blessings of being an American. Later that day, an awards ceremony was held, and then a banquet during the evening. Attendants to the banquet were treated to a buffet, speeches, and the winners’ essays. Morgan Peterson, from District 4, won the Patriot’s Pen competition. The Voice of Democracy winner is Krista Wamhoff, from District 10.