[Senior Edition] Life After Platteview: Seniors Josh Kotrous and Hinako Irie


John Kinney, Staff Writer

Graduating high school can be a powerful stepping stone to students as they take on adulthood. Some enter the work force, some apply and attend college, some take gap years, and some even return to their home countries. No matter what path they choose, they are still united to each other. Josh Kotrous and Hinako Irie, both seniors at Platteview, have different paths they are taking after high school. For four years Josh and Hinako have grown mentally, and matured with the help from each other and their teachers. I contacted both of them to write on what they are doing after high school. They both shared their aspirations and goals with me, so that many others could learn from their experiences.

1. What are your plans after high school?
Josh: “I plan to attend New York Institute of Technology in Manhattan to study computer science. I am going to continue working for Apple at the Upper West Side store as a Technical Expert.”

Hinako: “To get back to my high school [in Japan] and finish studying there, and I’m planning on studying international business in college.”

2. What influenced you to choose that path?
Josh: “I’ve been passionate about computers and technology my entire life and have always pretty much known what I wanted to do. With the real world experience I have gotten in the general field I plan to go into, I know it is something that I will enjoy studying and dedicating most of my time to. Technology has the power to change the world and being on the bleeding edge of that and building the software behind it is something I strive for.”

Hinako: “To get a high school diploma.”

3. How has Platteview assisted you in making those plans?
Josh: “Platteview is unlike other high schools that I’ve seen. The staff really push you to be the best person you can be and [they] have always been great mentors throughout my years. Overall between the students and faculty, Platteview has provided a very supportive community to facilitate success. Platteview has taught me that if you have a plan and a goal to chase, that you should pursue that to no end and the school has helped make my own dreams possible.”

Hinako: “I took intro to business and personal finance, those classes [have] led me wanting to study business.”

4. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Josh: “In ten years I hope to have completed my bachelors degree and move onto a masters degree in a computer science focus, possibly artificial intelligence. I would love to start my own business one day, as my current work experience has taught me that I definitely don’t want to work for someone the rest of my life if I don’t have to. I plan to stick with Apple for quite sometime, but I am unsure if I will still be with the company in ten years.”

Hinako: “I see myself working abroad! It does not matter what kind of career I choose.”

5. What does it mean to be a Trojan?
Josh: “For me being a Trojan meant putting all of your effort into everything you do and not giving up, and to be there to support the people that you’re surrounded with and see everyday.”

Hinako: “Platteview is definitely a place I will come back to, and this community (Springfield) is definitely my second home. I was happy to be a part of the school doing some activities.”