The College and Career Readiness course is a requirement for all juniors at PHS. Platteview students in this class for the 2024-2025 school year are excited to share their interests in different career fields. It’s fascinating to hear the variety of results and options students get in return for taking tests to discover the career that fits right with them.
As a variety of different students take this required class, many get the opportunity to figure out what occupation matches their personalities best to consider pursuing in the future. Katie Fryar (12) speaks on her career options with her personal experiences in the past. She commented, “I am interested in the medical field because I have had experiences with multiple injuries and I like learning about how the body works. I am wanting to go into radiology scans.”
One of the most exquisite feelings students have in College and Career Readiness is the countless amount of jobs and career paths to choose from! Paisley Peklo (11) shares her interests and what she sees herself doing in the future, exclaiming, “I am most interested in becoming a dental hygienist because I have always seen myself as being somewhere in the medical field or healthcare system!”
A special future can also mean a special career. A variety of job selections are being added to these students’ career interest-lists each year. Figuring out what opportunities they should chase only adds to the Trojans’ excitement. Isabelle Arbuckle (11) shared, “I am getting cosmetology school opportunities and ads as well as dermatology, nursing, business marketing, etc.”
College and Career isn’t just about results students receive on surveys. It can also help them adapt to new colleges and college majors they are willing to sign up for. Ellyott Harmon (11) explains, “I want to do something in education. I am thinking about doing early childhood.”
Every day, the juniors and seniors get to make choices of their own, determining what is right for them and what they feel is best to specialize in. It’s exciting to hear what self-discoveries students have made and what they are very passionate about pursuing in the future.