Plowing Through all the Snow Days

John Kinney, Staff Writer

Platteview high school has seen four snow days in this winter season, 2017-2018, but we need them to keep students and teachers safe with the roads or weather are too dangerous to navigate. Most people know how they like to spend their snow days but, how many people know what Mr. Ron Alexander does on a snow day?

When asked how many days we have left in our school year, Mr. Alexander replied, “We have room for one more this year. If we have to cancel, the seniors who graduate earlier would have to stay another day.” When asked how these decisions were made, he said that the superintendent, Mr. Richards, “works with other superintendents and weather specialists to make the safest decision for our district.” It’s very assuring to know how much work and thought goes into making these decisions. In the past couple of years, it’s becoming more popular for snow days to be announced on Twitter through the school account. Mr. Alexander commented that “Twitter is a quick efficient way to spread news in our school district, and I love that I can communicate events or changed schedules by writing a tweet.” However, Mr. Alexander also said, jokingly, that Tweets and messages from students who were hoping for snow days did not influence the school’s choice.

Mr. Alexander also provided insight on what he does during a snow day. He said, “If it’s a bad snow
day where the weather doesn’t clear up at noon, I will spend time with my son, and go sledding.” Mr. Alexander continued to say that if the weather is bearable by noon, he will work a half day. “I get a lot more work done during snow days because it’s so quiet.” That means Platteview’s principal is working hard to improve our school district and make positive changes.